goose, ancient French board game, said to have been derived from the Greeks, which was popular in Europe at the end of the Middle Ages.
Goose was played on a board upon which was drawn a fantastic scroll, called the jardin de l’oie (“goose garden”), divided into 63 spaces marked with certain emblems, such as an inn, a death’s head, a bridge, and a labyrinth. The emblem inscribed on spaces 1 and 63, as well as on every ninth space between, was a goose.
The object of the game was to land one’s counter on number 63, after a series of moves to unoccupied spaces determined by the throw of two dice. A counter was moved forward, backward, or temporarily stalled, according to the space on which it was placed. Landing on an inn required a wait until two other players had played; landing on a death’s head required a player to start over; and landing on a goose doubled the move. The game was usually played for a stake, and special fines were exacted for landing on certain spaces. At the end of the 18th century, a variation of the game was called jeu de la revolution française (“game of the French Revolution”).