Andrea Andreani
Andrea Andreani (born c. 1560, Mantua—died c. 1623) was an Italian printmaker known especially for his chiaroscuro printing, a technique developed in the early 16th century to facilitate shading. In this technique, several woodblocks are used for the same print, each block engraved to produce a different tone of the same colour.
Andreani was active in Florence (1584–85), in Siena (1586–93), and in Mantua (1599). Between 1602 and 1610 he appears in contemporary documents as a publisher of prints that were not of his own design. All of Andreani’s known woodcuts, in fact, are after the paintings of other artists, especially the 15th-century Mannerists Giambologna and Domenico Beccafumi and the Venetian painter Jacopo Ligozzi. The best known of Andreani’s works are 12 large woodcuts representing the “Trionfo di Giulio Cesare” (“Triumph of Julius Caesar”) and a series of prints reproducing nine sequential canvases by Andrea Mantegna. The several sections of this work were intended to be pasted together or mounted as a single frieze; each print has an individual character yet fits into its place in the unified whole.