Andrew I
Andrew I (born c. 1111—died June 1174, Bogolyubovo, near Vladimir, Russia) was a prince of Rostov-Suzdal (1157) and grand prince of Vladimir (1169), who increased the importance of the northeastern Russian lands and contributed to the development of government in that forest region.
Having accompanied his father, Yury Dolgoruky, on his conquest of Kiev, Andrew refused to remain in the ancient capital of Rus and returned to Vladimir, a town in his father’s principality of Rostov-Suzdal in northeastern Russia. When his father died (1157), the cities of Rostov and Suzdal elected Andrew their prince, and he transferred the capital of the entire principality to Vladimir. Subsequently, he encouraged colonists to settle in his principality, fortified and enlarged Vladimir, and built many churches.
In addition to strengthening his own lands, Andrew strove to extend his authority over other principalities of Rus. In 1169 he and his allies sacked Kiev, and Andrew acquired the title grand prince. But rather than move his seat to Kiev, as his father had done, Andrew made Vladimir the centre of the grand principality and placed a series of his relatives on the now secondary princely throne of Kiev. Later he also compelled Novgorod to accept a prince of his choice. In governing his realm, Andrew not only demanded that the subordinate princes obey him but also tried to reduce the traditional political powers of the boyars (i.e., the upper nobility) within his hereditary lands. In response, his embittered courtiers formed a conspiracy and killed him.