graft-versus-host disease
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), condition that occurs following a bone marrow transplant, in which cells in the donor marrow (the graft) attack tissues of the recipient (the host). This attack is mediated by T cells, a type of white blood cell normally occurring in the human body and therefore found in donor grafts. T cells attack and kill antigens—“nonself,” or foreign, substances that have the potential to harm the body. In GVHD, donor T cells recognize host cells as “nonself,” and, because the immune systems of bone marrow transplant recipients are compromised by disease, host tissues are incapable of mounting an immune response against the donor cells.
GVHD may be acute or chronic, and symptoms range from mild to severe. Acute disease typically occurs within three months of the transplant and may manifest as a skin rash, as liver disease, with symptoms of jaundice, or as gastrointestinal disease, with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Chronic disease occurs more than three months after a bone marrow transplant and sometimes lasts several years. Symptoms of chronic disease include hair loss, skin rash, Sjögren syndrome (or sicca syndrome), hepatitis, and weight loss.
In the case of allogeneic (genetically different) bone marrow transplants, which are the most common type of marrow transplant, close matching of tissue between donor and recipient is essential to minimize GVHD. Tissue matching is based on a set of cell-surface proteins called human leukocyte antigen (HLA). These proteins play a central role in enabling T cells to respond to foreign substances. However, even with exact HLA matching, about 40 percent of allogeneic transplant recipients are still affected by acute GVHD. The risk of GVHD can be avoided through autologous (genetically identical) transplantation. In this type of transplant, which is used in patients with certain forms of cancer, the hematopoietic stem cells from a patient’s own marrow are harvested and stored prior to exposure to high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The stem cells are then reinfused into the patient following therapy. The risk for GVHD also can be eliminated by the removal of T cells in donor marrow prior to transplantation. However, because this procedure leaves the graft—and therefore the recipient’s body—largely devoid of immune protection, it significantly increases the risk for other complications associated with bone marrow transplantation, including infection and graft failure.
Treatment for GVHD attempts to suppress the activation of transplanted T cells while simultaneously maintaining the viability of donor marrow. This is accomplished through a carefully managed treatment regimen, which generally includes the administration of immunosuppressive agents such as cyclosporine and glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisone) and antimetabolites such as methotrexate that interfere with cellular metabolism and proliferation. Patients who have GVHD that is refractive to these agents may be treated with a monoclonal antibody, which is designed to bind to and block specific targets involved in generating immune responses. An example of a monoclonal antibody that may be used in the treatment of GVHD is muromonab-CD3, which works by blocking the ability of donor T cells to recognize antigens. Other monoclonal antibodies that may be used for GVHD act by blocking receptors involved in mediating T-cell activation.