Francisco Guerrero
Francisco Guerrero (born Oct. 4?, 1528, Sevilla, Spain—died Nov. 8, 1599, Sevilla) was one of the leading Spanish composers of the 16th century.
Guerrero was a choirboy in Sevilla (Seville) and at age 18 became chapelmaster at Jaén Cathedral in Andalusia, Spain. In 1546 he was appointed cantor at Sevilla Cathedral, assuming effective musical directorship in 1551 and becoming chapelmaster in 1574. Except for a trip to Rome and one to Jerusalem, he spent most of his working life in Sevilla. Guerrero’s music is considered eminently vocal, strongly Spanish in character, and evocative of a vivid and serene spirituality. His compositions include instrumental music for vihuela, 19 masses, 2 requiems, settings of the Passions of St. Matthew and St. John, Latin motets, and sacred songs in Spanish.