guide dog
guide dog, dog that is professionally trained to guide, protect, or aid its master. Systematic training of guide dogs originated in Germany during World War I to aid blinded veterans. Seeing Eye dog, a moniker often used synonymously with guide dog, refers to a guide dog trained by The Seeing Eye, Inc., of Morristown, New Jersey, which was founded in 1929. The company has the distinction of being the oldest guide dog school in the world.
Starting between 14 to 17 months of age, the guide dog receives several months of training to mold its behaviour to its owner’s handicap. The dog learns to adjust to a harness, stop at curbs, gauge its owner’s height when traveling in low or obstructed places, and disobey a command when obedience will endanger its master. Dogs have also been trained to perform various services for persons with hearing impairments and restricted mobility. Some dogs are trained to assist persons with seizure disorders and to summon help. Although several breeds have been educated for these roles, including Doberman pinschers and German shepherds, Labrador retrievers and Labrador–golden retriever crosses are the most widely used.