Guro, people of the Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), in the valley regions of the Bandama River; they speak a language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family of African languages. The Guro came originally from the north and northwest, driven by Mande invasions in the second half of the 18th century.
Although formerly the major male occupation was hunting, the Guro are now basically agriculturists whose subsistence crops include plantains, rice, and yams; their cash crops include coffee, cocoa, and cotton. They practice shifting cultivation, men clearing the fields and women doing most of the other work. Some of their communal fields were being replaced by industrial plantations in the late 20th century. In the southern part of the Guro people’s territory, arboriculture includes palm-wine extraction; in the north, kola oil and nuts are traded for dried fish from the Niger. The exchange of subsistence goods at markets is usually carried out by women; other items are traded by men.
Villages are composed of several patrilineages, the basic social and economic units of Guro society. They are headed by their eldest members, who form a village council. In traditional Guro society there was no office of village chief, but a distinguished lineage head was recognized as preeminent; he was consulted in settling disputes and represented the village to outsiders.
The Guro retain their own religion, involving many cults and deities. An earth master makes sacrifices to the earth for the benefit of the village and its inhabitants. Each village also has a diviner who is consulted before important decisions are made.