Hanno (flourished 3rd century bc) was a leader of the aristocratic pro-Roman faction at Carthage during the Second Punic War (218–201) between Rome and Carthage. In 241, Hanno was given command against the Carthaginian mercenaries who had raised a rebellion among the native North African peoples subject to Carthage. Nevertheless, his incompetence as a general soon forced him to share the command with Hamilcar Barca, and together they crushed the uprising (238). Hanno’s political popularity at Carthage rested on his domination of the North African tribesmen, from whom he exacted high taxes. As spokesman for the landed nobility, he opposed the policy of foreign conquest pursued by Hamilcar Barca and his son Hannibal in the interests of the commercial classes. Hence, during the Second Punic War, Hanno undermined support in Carthage for Hannibal’s military efforts in Spain and Italy. After Hannibal’s defeat, Hanno helped negotiate a peace with the Romans.