
Freshwater hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus maculatus)

hatchetfish, any member of two unrelated groups of hatchet-shaped fishes—deep-sea forms of the family Sternoptychidae or freshwater fishes of the family Gasteropelecidae.

Deep-sea hatchetfishes are small, shining silver fishes. They are abundant in warm and temperate regions throughout the world, usually at depths of about 200–1,000 m (650–3,000 feet). Deep-bodied and flattened from side to side, they have slender tails and rows of light organs along the lower edge of each side of the body. The eyes are large and in the genus Argyropelecus are mounted on tubes pointed upward. Of about 15 species of sternoptychids, none exceeds a length of 10 cm (4 inches). The fishes are carnivorous.

The freshwater, or flying, hatchetfishes comprise about nine species of South American fishes allied to characins in the order Cypriniformes. They are sometimes called flying characins and are included by some authorities in the characin family (Characidae). Flying hatchetfishes generally swim near the surface, where they can catch their insect prey. They have the ability to glide and hydroplane over the surface of the water for short distances by flapping their large pectoral fins. They vary from about 3 to 10 cm in length, depending on the species. Though fragile, they are sometimes kept in home aquariums. Among those known to aquarists are the marbled hatchetfish (Carnegiella strigata), and the silver hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus sternicula), which is olive above and silver below.

This article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty.