heart rot
heart rot, any of several diseases of trees, root crops, and celery. Most trees are susceptible to heart-rotting fungi that produce a discoloured, lightweight, soft, spongy, stringy, crumbly, or powdery heart decay. Conks or mushrooms often appear at wounds or the trunk base. Heart rot in trees does not usually affect the living sapwood but does cause structural weaknesses and can lead to broken branches and trunks. The disease causes economic losses in the lumber industry, since infected trees are often unsuitable for timber. Trees wounded by logging machinery or by felled trees are more susceptible to heart rot fungi.
Other types of heart rot are caused by nutrient deficiencies rather than by fungi. A dark brown to black internal rot of beets, carrots, rutabagas, and turnips is caused by a deficiency of boron. A similar rot of celery, fennel, and parsley is induced by calcium deficiency. Both of these types of heart rot can cause crop losses in poor soils. See also rot.