
heatstroke, condition caused by continuous exposure to high temperature and humidity for several hours. The term sunstroke refers to the same disorder when exposure to direct sunlight is the main cause of the condition. The primary feature of heatstroke is an extreme and uncontrolled elevation of body temperature (106 to 110 °F [41 to 43 °C], or even higher), which can harm the central nervous system.

Heat is usually eliminated from the body by radiation and convection from the skin and lungs and by evaporation of sweat. As surroundings become hotter, all methods of heat elimination become ineffective except the evaporation of sweat. If the body’s ability to sweat also becomes impaired, heatstroke results.

In the early stages of heatstroke the victim may experience dizziness, headache, nausea, weakness, restlessness, or mental confusion and has a rapid pulse and hot, dry, flushed skin. Collapse, coma, a weak pulse, and a more dusky skin will follow if prompt treatment by cooling is not instituted. Ice-water baths or packs, with massage to promote circulation, are effective. Cooling should be stopped when the victim’s temperature reaches 102 °F (39 °C) but should be reinstituted if their temperature rises again. Professional medical care should be sought to manage the effects of possible circulatory disorders and brain damage.

Persons exposed to extreme environmental heat often experience other difficulties. Without sufficient water, they may suffer from dehydration and may collapse from inadequate circulation. This collapse, whether caused by dehydration or other phenomena, is called heat exhaustion, or heat prostration. It can be distinguished from heatstroke by the moderate or absent elevation of body temperature, by the persistence of heavy sweating, and by possible heat cramps. Heat exhaustion is treated by lying down in a cool place and drinking water to which salt has been added, although any fluid is helpful.