Henry II
Henry II (born Nov. 10, 1489—died June 11, 1568) was the duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, one of the leading Roman Catholic princes attempting to stem the Reformation in Germany.
Always a loyal supporter of the Habsburg emperors, Henry tried to restore Roman Catholicism in his realm but was defeated by John Frederick I the Magnanimous of Saxony and Philip the Magnanimous, landgrave of Hesse, and finally driven from his duchy. Reestablished after the emperor Charles V’s victory over the Protestant Schmalkaldic League in 1547, Henry continued his earlier efforts but with little success. He defeated the Protestant Albert II Alcibiades of Kulmbach-Bayreuth at the Battle of Sievershausen (1553) but lost his two oldest Roman Catholic sons. The later years of Henry’s reign were marred by the conflict with his Lutheran heir Julius, duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, to whom he eventually became reconciled, showing a certain degree of tolerance to the new religion.