Hiei, Mount
Hiei, Mount, mountain (2,782 feet [845 meters] high) near Kyōto, the location of the Enryaku Temple, a Tendai Buddhist monastery complex built by the monk Saichō (767–822). When Sannō (Japanese: “Mountain King”; the mountain’s kami, or Shintō deity) became identified with the Buddha Śākyamuni (Japanese: Shaka; the principal figure of Tendai Buddhism), the Sannō Shintō school emerged, based on the Tendai belief in Buddhist unity. Thus, Shaka was identical to Dainichi Nyorai (the Buddha Vairocana), and Sannō to Amaterasu (the Shintō sun goddess). Imperial patronage made the Hiei monastery one of the most powerful centers of Buddhist learning in Japan. Hōnen and many other famous monks who later established their own schools came there for training.