Humbert I
Humbert I (died c. 1048) was the count of Savoy and founder of the house of Savoy, whose services to the Holy Roman emperor Conrad II were rewarded with the cession of lands that placed him in control of the strategic Alpine passes between Italy and France.
Humbert, whose origins are surrounded by controversy but who may have been the son of the semilegendary hero Bérold of Saxony, ally of King Rudolf III of Burgundy, is attested as a count in Burgundy and was prominent at Rudolf’s court. When Rudolf died in 1032, leaving his domains to Conrad II, Humbert, already holder of extensive territories commanding the Little St. Bernard Pass, also gained control of the Great St. Bernard Pass and the northern approach to the Simplon Pass as a result of family connections and through his alliance with Conrad, who wanted the Alpine routes in friendly hands. In 1033 he led troops of Archbishop Heribert of Milan and Margrave Boniface of Tuscany, defending Conrad’s inheritance against Eudes (Odo) of Champagne, whom he pursued into Lorraine, defeated, and killed. When Everard, bishop of the neighbouring region of Maurienne, bordering on the northern approach to the Mont-Cenis pass, refused to pay homage to Conrad, Humbert seized and burned the city of Saint-Jean de Maurienne in 1035. Rewarded with new territories, Humbert was named count of Maurienne (a title his descendants changed to count of Savoy). As Conrad’s most faithful vassal, he exercised power over lands that sealed Lombardy off from France while making it accessible to the Emperor.