Hydra, constellation in the southern sky that stretches from 8 to 15 hours right ascension and from about 5° north to 30° south in declination. It is the largest of the constellations. Its brightest star is Alphard (from the Arabic for “the solitary one”), with a magnitude of 2. In Greek mythology this constellation was identified with the Hydra that Heracles slew in his second labour. It also figures in a story associated with Crater (Latin: “Cup”) and Corvus (Latin: “Raven”). The god Apollo sent the crow to fetch water in a cup for a sacrifice. The crow landed near a fig tree and neglected its mission for several days while it waited for the figs to ripen. The crow returned to Apollo with a water snake, which it blamed for blocking the spring. Angered by the crow’s failure, Apollo cast the crow, the cup, and the water snake into the sky.