Ibn Falaquera
Ibn Falaquera (born c. 1225—died c. 1295) was a Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and translator who propagated a reconciliation between Jewish Orthodoxy and philosophy and defended Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed against the attacks of the traditionalists.
His numerous works include Dialogue Between a Philosopher and a Man of Piety; an ethical treatise known as The Balm of Sorrow; an introduction to the study of the sciences entitled Reshit ḥokhma (“The Beginning of Wisdom”), which reproduces al-Farabi’s Aims of the Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle and which was translated into Latin at the end of the 15th century; Sefer ha-maʿalot (“Book of Degrees”), which advocates the Neoplatonic ideal of the contemplative life; a commentary on Maimonides’ Guide under the title More ha-more (“Guide of the Guide”); and an abstract of Ibn Gabirol’s influential Fons vitae in Hebrew.