intendant, administrative official under the ancien régime in France who served as an agent of the king in each of the provinces, or généralités. From about 1640 until 1789, the intendancies were the chief instrument used to achieve administrative unification and centralization under the French monarchy.
The origin of the office of intendant remains obscure, and no document has been found that specifically created it. The office had its beginnings in the crown’s need to oversee and supervise the venal royal bureaucracy, many of whose members had purchased their offices. The crown placed over such officials agents with well-defined powers under lettres de commission for a certain length of time. A number of such agents, or commissaires, would tour the provinces for a set length of time and with a specific purpose, but in 1555 Henry II assigned to each of them a particular territory called a généralité. Special commissaires were still dispatched to particularly troubled areas and reported to a provincial governor or an army in the field with the titles “intendant of justice” or “intendant to the army,” and they eventually came to be called intendants.
During the early 17th century the intendants’ posts in particular provinces were made permanent, and after 1635 an intendant had been appointed to virtually every province. By the 1630s the commissaires, or intendants, had begun to function as a kind of parallel administration in the provinces, thus enabling the crown to substitute its authority for that of the gouverneurs (provincial military commanders) and other local officials. By the mid-1640s the commissaires had become rivals of or had even substantively displaced the local authorities, particularly the treasurers functioning in each province. The consequent resentment of the local officials was one of the factors in the series of uprisings known as the Fronde (1648–53), which in 1648 temporarily compelled Louis XIV to revoke the powers of all intendants except those in certain frontier provinces. This decision had no lasting effect, and intendants of justice, police, and finance were reestablished in 1653.
From the beginning of his personal government (1661), Louis maintained the intendants, who thenceforth became the regular representatives of royal power. There were 33 intendants for the 34 généralités of France in 1789. The intendants’ authority extended into every sphere of provincial administration: they were responsible for carrying out the central power’s orders in their généralités, supervising the local officials, representing the crown at the local autonomous bodies (provincial assemblies in particular), and informing the central power about the economic situation and public opinion in their généralités. Their mission remained always one of providing information rather than of making decisions, and in order to act they had to obtain an order from the king’s council, which, however, would usually be drafted on the lines they suggested. As intendants of justice they could preside over local courts, suspend unsatisfactory magistrates, and set up extraordinary tribunals to suppress brigandage and sedition. As intendants of finance, they determined the incidence of taxes in the district and discussed with the assemblies the amount of the annual taxes to be voted in the district assemblies; by the end of the 17th century, it was their responsibility to collect new taxes. Responsible for public order, they coordinated the activities of the prévôts des maréchaux (the police force under the marshals of France) and sometimes intervened in the affairs of private persons, prompting the dispatch of lettres de cachet. They also controlled municipal administration. Their great power made them unpopular, and it was partly to remedy their excess of power that the so-called assemblées provinciales, with consultative and administrative powers, were set up throughout France in 1787; the powers of the intendants were suppressed in 1789.