isotopic tracer
isotopic tracer, any radioactive atom detectable in a material in a chemical, biological, or physical system and used to mark that material for study, to observe its progress through the system, or to determine its distribution. An isotopic tracer must behave as does the material being studied, but, in addition, it must have some distinguishing property by which it can be detected in the presence of the other material.
The movement of a chemical element under study may be traced by adding a radioactive isotope (or radioisotope) of the same element. The radiations emitted by such a radioisotope can be tracked by means of radiation detection devices, such as Geiger-Müller counters or scintillation detectors. Radioisotopes can be detected in quantities as small as a few atoms. Radioactive tracers are widely used in science, engineering, and medicine in virtually any situation in which it is necessary to determine the distribution pattern or the rate of material transport.
Isotope dilution, in which radioisotopes are introduced into stable isotopes of the same element and mixed, is a widely used technique for determining the volume of a system. To measure the contents of the human blood system or of an industrial tank, a minute quantity of radioactive tracer is added and allowed to mix uniformly throughout the system; then a sample of known volume is removed from the system and measured for the amount of radioactive tracer it contains. The ratio of this content to the amount originally introduced is proportional to the volume of the entire system.