
ApopisApopis, relief from the temple of Horus, Idfū, Egypt.

Apopis, ancient Egyptian demon of chaos, who had the form of a serpent and, as the foe of the sun god, Re, represented all that was outside the ordered cosmos. Although many serpents symbolized divinity and royalty, Apopis threatened the underworld and symbolized evil. Each night Apopis encountered Re at a particular hour in the sun god’s ritual journey through the underworld in his divine bark. Seth, who rode as guardian in the front of Re’s bark, attacked him with a spear and slew him, but the next night Apopis, who could not be permanently subdued, was there again to attack Re. The Egyptians believed that the king could help maintain the order of the world and assist Re by performing rituals against Apopis.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.