Jehoshaphat, king (c. 873–c. 849 bc) of Judah during the reigns in Israel of Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram, with whom he maintained close political and economic alliances. Jehoshaphat aided Ahab in his unsuccessful attempt to recapture the city of Ramoth-gilead, joined Ahaziah in extending maritime trade, helped Jehoram in his battle with Moab, and married his son and successor, Jehoram, to Athaliah, a daughter of Ahab. In Judah he reorganized the army and attempted to centralize political power through a series of religious and legal reforms.
Citation Information
Article Title:
Website Name:
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Date Published:
23 July 2010
Access Date:
February 22, 2025