Jijel, town and roadstead port, northeastern Algeria, on the Mediterranean seacoast and the western edge of the Collo Kabylie region. The city of Jijel, originally a Phoenician trading post, passed successively to the Romans (as Igilgili), the Arabs, and, in the 16th century, to the pirate Khayr al-Dīn (Barbarossa). It remained a corsair stronghold until captured by the French in 1839. Strong local resistance, finally subdued in 1851, resulted in the construction of three forts along its southern fringe and minimal colonization. The original town was devastated by an earthquake in 1856. Surrounded by dense cork-oak forest and protected by a peninsula and citadel to the north, Jijel was replanned along modern lines, with wide streets shaded by plane trees. The main industries are cork processing, leather tanning, and steel making. There is an active export trade in agricultural products. Jijel is also a seaside resort with fine sand beaches and a casino.
The surrounding region supports commercial fishing and the production of citrus fruits and cereal grains. Its population includes both Arabs and Kabylies, a Berber (Amazigh) group. Pop. (1998) 106,003; (2008) 131,513.