joint, in geology, a brittle-fracture surface in rocks along which little or no displacement has occurred. Present in nearly all surface rocks, joints extend in various directions, generally more toward the vertical than to the horizontal. Joints may have smooth, clean surfaces, or they may be scarred by slickensides, or striations. Jointing does not extend to a very great depth in the Earth’s crust, because at about 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) even rigid rocks tend to flow plastically in response to stress.
In unweathered rocks, joints are relatively inconspicuous, but upon weathering they become marked, especially in a soluble rock such as limestone. Solution by water percolating through joints has led to the formation of large caves and underground rivers. Quarrying operations are facilitated by the presence of a well-developed joint system.
Sedimentary rocks usually show two sets of joints at right angles to one another, each extending down perpendicular to the bedding; one set extends in the direction of dip and the other in the direction of strike (trend of the line of intersection of the bedding and the horizontal). The distance between joints varies from about two centimetres to a few hundred metres; in alternating strata the degree of jointing may vary from bed to bed and in some cases is related to the compaction of sediments during rock formation.
In igneous rocks, jointing is generally quite irregular; but in granite, two vertical sets forming right angles to one another on the top surface and another set of cross joints approximately horizontal occur frequently. (These cross joints are the effect of weathering.) Intrusions of molten rock, when cooled, form sills and dikes, which, in many places, show columnar jointing. Three sets of joints perpendicular to the cooling surfaces intersect each other at angles of about 120°. These form polygonal columns of rock that range from about 7–8 centimetres (3 inches) to about 6 metres (19 feet) in diameter; the size depends on the rate of cooling of the intrusive rock—the faster the cooling, the smaller the columns.
The principal cause of jointing in both stratified and igneous rocks is crustal movement, although the specific origin of the movement may not always be apparent. Contraction upon consolidation of sediment, as well as crystallization, also contributes to minor irregular jointing, as does expansion and contraction from the intrusion of hot igneous rocks.