juku, Japanese privately run, after-hours tutoring school geared to help elementary and secondary students perform better in their regular daytime schoolwork and to offer cram courses in preparation for university entry examinations. Juku (from gakushū juku, “tutoring school”) range from individual home-based tutorials to countrywide chains of schools and are staffed largely by retired teachers, moonlighting teachers, and university students. Though most juku emphasize academic subjects important in studies and examinations, some juku offer instruction also in nonacademic arts and sports.
In the Tokugawa period (1603–1867) the term juku referred to small schools teaching martial arts, philosophy, or some other select subject. During the Meiji period (1868–1912) the term came to distinguish the tutorial school from other types of public or private schools. The majority of modern-type juku, commonly thought of as “cram schools,” date from after the mid-1960s, accompanying Japan’s phenomenal economic growth. By the early 21st century there were more than 50,000 juku in Japan.