Julia Mamaea
Julia Mamaea (died 235) was the mother of the Roman emperor Severus Alexander and the dominant power in his regime. Mamaea was the daughter of Julia Maesa and niece of the former emperor Septimius Severus. Maesa persuaded her grandson Elagabalus (emperor 218–222) to adopt Mamaea’s son Alexander and make him caesar and heir. When Elagabalus was murdered, Alexander, then 14 years old, became emperor. Mamaea was declared augusta and acted as regent for her son, with the advice of a council of 16 senators. She dominated the boy, secured the appointment of the jurist Ulpian as praetorian prefect, and accompanied the army in the Persian campaign of 232. The failure of the campaign is usually ascribed to her interference. Ancient writers condemn Mamaea for excessive meddling in government. She and her son were murdered by Roman soldiers in 235.