kanun, (kanun from Greek kanōn, “rule”), the tabulation of administrative regulations in the Ottoman Empire that supplemented the Sharīʿah (Islamic law) and the discretionary authority of the sultan.
In Islamic judicial theory there was no law other than the Sharīʿah. In the early Islamic states, however, practical concessions had to be made to custom, to the exigencies of time and place, and to the will of the ruler and applied in separate administrative courts. Under the Ottomans, who devised an elaborate administrative system, the distinctions disappeared between the Sharīʿah and administrative law codified as kanuns and kanunnames (collection of kanuns). In theory, kanuns were to harmonize with the prescription of the Sharīʿah, giving the ulama (men of religious learning) the right to invalidate any regulation that contradicted Islamic law. In practice, however, the ulama, organized in a hierarchy under the authority of the sultan, rarely repudiated his kanuns, thus giving the sultan freedom to legislate.
The first kanunnames were issued under Sultan Mehmed II (reigned 1444–46, 1451–81), though his predecessors had promulgated individual kanuns. The kanuns of Selim I (reigned 1512–20) and Süleyman I (reigned 1520–66), called Kanuni (“Law Giver”), were known for their political wisdom.