Irving Robert Kaufman
Irving Robert Kaufman (born June 24, 1910, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Feb. 1, 1992, New York City) was a U.S. judge who presided over the celebrated case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1951 and sentenced them to death in the electric chair after finding them guilty of having conspired to deliver atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union; they were the first American civilians to be put to death for espionage in the United States.
After graduating from Fordham Law School, New York City (1931), Kaufman practiced law before serving as an assistant U.S. attorney. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Harry S. Truman (1949) and was elevated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York (1961), serving as chief judge from 1973 until mandatory retirement in 1980. He remained as a regular judge until 1987, when he retired to a senior judgeship.
With the exception of the Rosenberg case, Kaufman’s career was marked by liberal rulings, especially on First Amendment cases. He cast the lone dissenting vote in 1971 when the court ruled not to allow The New York Times to publish the sensitive Pentagon Papers about the Vietnam War but was vindicated when the Supreme Court overturned the ruling. He also wrote a number of landmark decisions involving antitrust suits and race relations, including an order for the first desegregation of a predominantly black public school in the North (1961). He was excluded from a seat on the Supreme Court because of his controversial role in the Rosenberg case; he was taken to task by some liberals for imposing the harshest sentence on the Rosenbergs, and some accused him of being influenced by Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anticommunist agenda.