Khadījah (died 619, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]) was a merchant who was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Little is known about her apart from the posthumous accounts of Muhammad’s life (sīrah) and teachings (Hadith).
Khadījah was born in the 6th century ce to merchants of the Quraysh tribe, which ruled Mecca. The Sīrah of ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Hishām characterizes her as “resolute and noble” and as commanding significant respect within the tribe. She inherited her wealth but continued to conduct trade after the deaths of her parents and, according to Sunni tradition, of her first two husbands. She employed Muhammad when he was in his early 20s to manage a caravan to Syria and subsequently offered him marriage. According to most sources, she was about 40 years old with children from her previous marriages and Muhammad was about 25. That she bore him several children, however, suggests that she may have been younger.
Khadījah and Muhammad did not have any sons who survived childhood. According to the Sunni interpretation of the sources, they had four daughters: Umm Kulthūm, Ruqayyah, Zaynab, and Fāṭimah. Fāṭimah—their only daughter according to Shiʿi tradition—herself became an important figure in Islam, and her descendants (see Ahl al-Bayt), known as sharīfs and sayyids, have played important social roles to this day.
According to the traditional sources, Khadījah provided instrumental support in Muhammad’s early prophethood. Her wealth allowed him the leisure to meditate, and she reassured him of the authenticity of his first revelations. She is thus often considered the first person to have believed in Muhammad’s message. Moreover, she consulted her relative Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who is said to have likened Muhammad’s revelations to those of Moses, further providing Muhammad confidence in his revelations.
Khadījah died in 619, a few years before the Hijrah—the emigration to Medina wherein the Muslim community began crystallizing into a clear sociopolitical force in its own right. Muhammad had no other wives while she was alive and had no children by any of his later wives.