Sir John Kirk
Sir John Kirk (born Dec. 19, 1832, Barry, near Arbroath, Angus, Scot.—died Jan. 15, 1922, Sevenoaks, Kent, Eng.) was a Scottish physician, companion to explorer David Livingstone, and a British administrator in Zanzibar.
The son of a clergyman, Kirk studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, served on the civil medical staff in the Crimean War, and was appointed in February 1858 physician and naturalist for Livingstone’s second expedition. He accompanied Livingstone on most of his African journeys during the next five years and was one of the first four Europeans to behold Lake Nyasa. He was finally invalided home on May 9, 1863.
The reputation that he gained during his African expeditions led to his appointment in January 1866 as acting surgeon to the political agency in Zanzibar. He was made vice-consul of Zanzibar in 1866, became assistant political agent in 1868, and was raised to the rank of consul general and agent in 1873. He strove to uphold the interests of Zanzibar’s Sultan Mājid and his successor, Barghash, with whom he concluded an antislavery treaty in 1873. Although he induced the British government to discourage Egyptian expansion along the East African coast (1875), he could not persuade the British government to defend the sultan when the Germans began their campaign for annexation in 1884. Kirk was knighted in 1881 and retired in 1887.