Gustav Friedrich Klemm
Gustav Friedrich Klemm (born Nov. 12, 1802, Chemnitz, Saxony [Germany]—died Aug. 25/26, 1867, Dresden, Saxony) was a German anthropologist who developed the concept of culture and is thought to have influenced the prominent English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor. Klemm spent most of his life as director of the royal library at Dresden.
Distinguishing three stages of cultural evolution (which he identified as those of savagery, domestication, and freedom), Klemm divided mankind into active and inactive races and believed that peoples differed in mentality and temperament. Allgemeine Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit, 10 vol. (1843–52; “General Cultural History of Mankind”), includes a history of mankind in terms of social organization, technology, and beliefs. He described the material foundations of culture in Allgemeine Kulturwissenschaft, 2 vol. (1854–55; “General Science of Culture”).