kraal, enclosure or group of houses surrounding an enclosure for livestock, or the social unit that inhabits these structures. The term has been more broadly used to describe the way of life associated with the kraal that is found among some African, especially South African, peoples. Among certain peoples of KwaZulu/Natal, for example, the kraal consists of a number of huts arranged in a circle around a cattle corral. Polygyny is common, and each wife has her own hut within the kraal. The head of the kraal may have custody of the property attached to the houses of his several wives.
The term has also been used to describe the encampments of the pastoral Masai of East Africa. The household may consist of an elderly father, his wives, and his married sons. This group migrates as a unit. During seasonal migrations, small, temporary kraals are built; there are also more permanent settlements. Women are responsible for the construction and maintenance of the kraal, and here too each wife has her own hut.
The word kraal has also been applied to elephant corrals in Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.