Juraj Križanić
Juraj Križanić (born 1618, Obrh, near Ozalj, Croatia, Ottoman Empire [now in Croatia]—died September 12, 1683, Vienna, Austria, Holy Roman Empire) was a Roman Catholic priest and scholar who became an early advocate of Pan-Slavism and of a program of cultural and social reform in Russia that foreshadowed the reforms made by Peter I the Great, who ruled from 1682 to 1725.
Križanić studied at various theological seminaries in Europe before going to Rome. He was trained to be a missionary to convert the Orthodox Slavs to Roman Catholicism and made a short expedition to Moscow to promote the unification of the two churches (1647).
After he returned from Russia, Križanić developed the idea of uniting all the Slav peoples in a single political entity centred at Moscow, a scheme that prompted his second trip to Moscow in 1659. Concealing his priestly profession, he offered his services to Tsar Alexis and was hired to undertake a study of Slavic grammar. But in January 1661, for unknown reasons, he was banished to Tobolsk in Siberia. He was provided with a substantial state stipend, however, and for the next 15 years he remained there, writing nine books on political, economic, religious, linguistic, and philosophical topics. Among them are the valuable philological work Grammatichno izkazanye ob russkom yaziku (“Grammatical Instruction on the Russian Language”), which advocates political unity among the Slavs through linguistic unity, and Politika ili razgovor ob vladatelystvu (“Politics; or, a Discourse on Government”), which criticizes the Muscovite government, outlines reforms based on education and on certain elements of Western culture, and advocates the union of all Slavs under the improved Russian state.
After Tsar Fyodor III succeeded Alexis in 1676, Križanić was allowed to return to Moscow and to go to western Europe (March 1677). He died during the Turkish siege of Vienna while on a journey to Rome. His works, which remained in the possession of the Russian tsars, influenced the ruling circles of Russia and helped prepare for the widespread reforms, patterned on western European examples, that Peter I later introduced.