Archilochus (flourished c. 650 bce, Paros [Cyclades, Greece]) was a poet and soldier, the earliest Greek writer of iambic, elegiac, and personal lyric poetry whose works have survived to any considerable extent. The surviving fragments of his work show him to have been a metrical innovator of the highest ability.
Archilochus’s father was Telesicles, a wealthy Parian who founded a colony on the island of Thasos. Archilochus lived on both Páros and Thasos. Fragments of his poetry mention the solar eclipse of April 6, 648 bce, and the wealth of the Lydian king Gyges, who reigned during the 7th century bce. The details of Archilochus’s life, in the ancient biographical tradition, are derived for the most part from his poems—an unreliable source because the events he described may have been fictitious or may have involved imaginary personae or ritual situations.
Modern discoveries, however, have supported the picture given in the poetry. Two inscriptions dedicated to Archilochus were discovered in a sacred area on Paros; they are named, after the men who dedicated them, the Mnesiepes inscription (3rd century bce) and the Sosthenes inscription (1st century bce). Archilochus’s self-presentation was taken seriously as early as the late 5th century bce by the Athenian politician and intellectual Critias, who denounced him for presenting himself as the impoverished, quarrelsome, foul-mouthed, lascivious son of an enslaved woman. Some scholars feel that the Archilochus portrayed in his poems is too scurrilous to be real.
Archilochus probably served as a soldier. According to ancient tradition, he fought against Thracians on the mainland near Thasos and died when the Thasians were fighting against soldiers from the island of Náxos. In one famous poem, Archilochus tells, without embarrassment or regret, of throwing his shield away in battle. (“I saved my life. What do I care about my shield? The hell with it! I’ll buy another just as good.”) The motif of the abandoned shield appears again in the lyric poems of Alcaeus and Anacreon, in a parody by Aristophanes (Peace), and in a learned variation by the Latin poet Horace (Carmina).
Although the truth is difficult to discern with certainty from the poems and other evidence, Archilochus may have been disreputable. He was particularly famous in antiquity for his sharp satire and ferocious invective. It was said that a man named Lycambes betrothed his daughter Neobule to the poet and then later withdrew the plan. In a papyrus fragment published in 1974 (the “Cologne Epode”)—the longest surviving piece of Archilochus’s poetry—a man, who is apparently the poet himself, tells in alternately explicit and hinting language how he seduced the sister of Neobule after having crudely rejected Neobule herself. According to the ancient accounts, Lycambes and his daughters committed suicide, shamed by the poet’s fierce mocking.
Archilochus was the first known Greek poet to employ the elegiac couplet and various iambic and trochaic metres, ranging from dimeter to tetrameter, as well as epodes, lyric metres, and asinarteta (a mixture of different metres). He was a master of the Greek language, moving from Homeric formulas to the language of daily life in a few lines. He was, arguably, the first European author to make personal experiences and feelings the main subject of his poems: the controlled use of the personal voice in his verse marks a distinct departure from other surviving Greek verse, which is typically more formulaic and heroic. For his technical accomplishments Archilochus was much admired by later poets, such as Horace, but there was also severe criticism, especially of a moralistic character, by writers such as the poet Pindar (5th century bce).