Nikolaus Lenau
Nikolaus Lenau (born August 13, 1802, Csatád, Hungary [now Lenauheim, Romania]—died August 22, 1850, Oberdöbling, near Vienna, Austria) was an Austrian poet known for melancholy lyrical verse that mirrors the pessimism of his time as well as his personal despair.
Severe depression and dissatisfaction characterized Lenau’s life. He began, but never completed, studies in law, medicine, and philosophy. A legacy in 1830 enabled him to devote himself to writing. Frequent moves, a number of unhappy love affairs, and a disastrous year-long emigration to the United States in 1832–33 further exemplified the general disappointment he felt at the failure of his life and acquaintances to measure up to his artistic ideals. He recognized that his inability to keep separate the spheres of poetic expression and real life was both the source of his depression and the root of his art.
Lenau’s fame rests predominantly on his shorter lyrical poems. These early poems, which were published in Gedichte (1832; “Poems”) and Neuere Gedichte (1838; “Newer Poems”), demonstrate close ties to the Weltschmerz (“World Pain”) mood of the Romantic period and reveal a personal, almost religious relationship to nature. His later poems, Gesammelte Gedichte (1844; “Collected Poems”) and the religious epics Savonarola (1837) and Die Albigenser (1842; “The Albigensians”), deal with his relentless and unsuccessful search for order and constancy in love, nature, and faith. Following Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s death in 1832, the appearance in 1833 of the second part of his Faust inspired many renditions of the legend. Lenau’s Faust: Ein Gedicht (published 1836, revised 1840) is noticeably derivative of Goethe’s, but Lenau’s version has Faust confronting an absurd life that is devoid of any absolute values, the same position in which Lenau felt himself to be. Lenau’s lifelong mental illness resulted in a complete breakdown in 1844 and later to nearly total paralysis from which he never recovered. His epic Don Juan (1851) appeared posthumously. His letters to Baroness Sophie von Löwenthal, with whom he was in love from 1834 to his death, were published in 1968.