Lenin’s Testament
Lenin’s Testament, two-part document dictated by Vladimir I. Lenin on Dec. 23–26, 1922, and Jan. 4, 1923, and addressed to a future Communist Party Congress. It contained guideline proposals for changes in the Soviet political system and concise portrait assessments of six party leaders (Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Y. Zinovyev, Lev B. Kamenev, Nikolay Bukharin, and Georgy Pyatakov). The testament, written while Lenin was recovering from a severe stroke, concluded with a recommendation that Stalin be removed from his position as secretary-general of the party. The document has been variously interpreted as an attempt by Lenin to guide the party’s choice of his successor or as an attempt to undermine the efforts of his colleagues who, he thought, were trying to usurp his power. He may have intended the letter to provoke mutual distrust among the party leaders and thereby to preclude the possibility of any single one of them succeeding him.
(Read Leon Trotsky’s 1926 Britannica essay on Lenin.)
The first part of the testament suggested that the Central Committee be enlarged; it also stated that the most serious threat to unity within the Central Committee was the strained relationship between Stalin and Trotsky. Lenin then asserted that Stalin was not cautious enough to be entrusted with the large amount of power he had personally accumulated and that, although Trotsky was the most capable individual on the Central Committee, he was too self-assured and overly inclined toward purely administrative functions. Bukharin was cited as the party’s most eminent theoretician, although he had failed to master the dialectic. The testament also warned that the party should not condemn Kamenev and Zinovyev for their behaviour in October 1917 (they had opposed the Bolshevik coup d’état and published the plans for the insurrection).
The second part was a postscript, dictated after Lenin had become convinced that Stalin was not only mishandling the suppression of dissent in Georgia but was being abusive to Lenin’s wife, Krupskaya. The addendum described Stalin as “too rude” and proposed that the Congress consider removing him from the post of secretary-general. Several copies of the testament were made and sealed with the instruction that they were to be opened by Lenin personally or, in case of his death, by Krupskaya.
In May 1924, four months after Lenin’s death and a few days before the 13th Party Congress convened, Krupskaya transmitted the testament to the Central Committee, indicating that it was Lenin’s wish that it be communicated to the Congress. The Central Committee, however, already largely dominated by Stalin, decided that it should only be read to the individual delegations rather than be presented to the entire assembled Congress and prohibited its publication or reproduction, including quotations. As a result of this partial suppression, the existence of the testament was not generally known within the Soviet Union; with Stalin’s ascendancy it became a forbidden subject, and all overt reference to it disappeared for almost three decades.
The testament soon found its way out of the Soviet Union, however. Max Eastman obtained portions of it and published them in Since Lenin Died in 1925, and The New York Times printed the entire testament, obtained indirectly through Krupskaya, who had joined the opposition against Stalin, in October 1926. Within the Soviet Union, however, it was not generally known and thus did little to retard Stalin’s rise to power. At the 20th Party Congress (1956), Nikita S. Khrushchev included portions of the testament in his famous secret speech to the Central Committee in order to support his indictment of Stalin and add Lenin’s authority to his de-Stalinization campaign.