François Lenormant
François Lenormant (born Jan. 17, 1837, Paris, Fr.—died Dec. 9, 1883, Paris) was a French Assyriologist and numismatist who recognized, from cuneiform inscriptions, a language now known as Akkadian that proved valuable to the understanding of Mesopotamian civilization 3,000 years before the Christian era. He published his first archaeological paper at 14 and went on to become a scholar of wide achievement. He published La Monnaie dans l’antiquité, 3 vol. (1873–79; “Coins in Antiquity”), Les Sciences occultes en Asie (1874–75; “The Occult Sciences in Asia”), and Les Origines de l’histoire d’après la Bible et les traditions des peuples orientaux (1880–82; “The Origins of History According to the Bible and the Traditions of the Oriental Peoples”).