John Logan
John Logan (born 1748, Soutra, Midlothian, Scot.—died Dec. 25, 1788, London, Eng.) was a Scottish poet and preacher best known for his part in a controversy that arose posthumously over the authorship of a poem entitled “Ode to the Cuckoo,” which some claimed was written by Michael Bruce.
Logan attended the University of Edinburgh and completed studies for the ministry. In 1770 Logan edited and published a collection of poetry, including five poems written by Bruce, who was a college friend, and two poems on which the two collaborated. The volume as planned was slender. To increase its size, Logan inserted some poems of his own and some from other sources. In his preface he stated that these could easily be distinguished from Bruce’s without attribution. When in 1781 Logan published a volume of what he claimed was his own work, he included what some later scholars—beginning in the early 1800s—claimed was Bruce’s “Cuckoo.” Several of Logan’s sermons and lectures were also published, one of which was proved to have been written by another author.