London Bridge
London Bridge, children’s singing game in which there are several players (usually eight or more), two of whom join hands high to form an arch (the bridge). The other players march under the bridge, each holding onto the waist of the player in front. Either the players forming the bridge or all the players sing:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
At the last word, the arms of the bridge are lowered to capture the last player through. The song continues with more stanzas.
In the modern game, which dates back to 17th-century England and to the 16th-century continental European “fallen bridges” games, as the players are captured, they are kept in an area called the Tower of London, and at the end of the game they are chased by the bridge. The first two caught form the next bridge. In the earlier game, captured players went to alternate sides, forming two teams, and a tug-of-war followed (much like in the game Oranges and Lemons; see tug-of-war). In the original game, each prisoner paid a forfeit, possibly a vestige of the old folk superstition that a bridge would only stand after the death of a sacrifice.
The song has numerous variant stanzas, sung while the prisoners are being captured, such as “Build it up with iron bars”; “Iron bars will bend and break”; and “Get a man to watch all night.” The name of the game also varies in different locations: broken bridges (Scotland); Die Goldene Brücke (Germany); Le Pont-Levis (France); Charlestown Bridge (New England); and podul de piatra (Romania).