maceral, any of the numerous microscopically recognizable, individual organic constituents of coal with characteristic physical and chemical properties. Macerals are analogous to minerals in inorganic rocks, but they lack a definite crystalline structure. Macerals are coalified plant remains preserved in coal and other rocks. They change progressively, both chemically and physically, as the rank of coal increases. (Coal rank is a measure of a coal’s degree of metamorphism expressed as its position in the lignite-to-anthracite series and is primarily based on decreasing volatile matter content and increasing carbon content.)
Macerals are classified into three major groups: vitrinite, inertinite, and liptinite (formerly called exinite). Vitrinite is derived from cell walls and woody plant tissue and includes the macerals telinite and collinite. Most coals contain a high percentage (50 to 90 percent) of vitrinites. Inertinites, a group thought to have formed from plant material transformed by severe degradation during the peat stage of coalification, include fusinite, semi-fusinite, micrinite, macrinite, and sclerotinite. Inertinites are rich in carbon. Most coals contain 5 to 40 percent inertinites. The liptinite macerals, which are characterized by a high hydrogen content and derived from the cuticles and resinous parts of plants, include sporinite, cutinite, resinite, and alginite. Most coals contain 5 to 15 percent liptinites.