Madhya Bharat Plateau
Madhya Bharat Plateau, plateau comprising the northern part of the Central Highlands, central India. Extending over about 22,000 square miles (57,000 square km) and including most of northwestern Madhya Pradesh state and central Rajasthan state, it is bounded by the Upper Ganges (Ganga) Plain to the north, the Bundelkhand Upland to the east, the Malwa Plateau to the south, and the East Rajasthan Uplands to the west.
The bedrock of the Madhya Bharat Plateau consists of a uniform formation of basalt; weathering has produced rounded boulders in some places. The plateau has an average elevation of about 1,650 feet (500 metres) and slopes from 1,980 feet (600 metres) in the south to 990 feet (300 metres) in the north. Erosion has created an almost level surface frequently punctuated by sandstone scarps. The Chambal River, rising in the northern flanks of the Vindhya Range, winds through a wide, bowl-like basin from southwest to northeast and enters a long, narrow gorge, site of the Gandhi Sagar Dam of the Chambal Valley Project that provides irrigation water and hydroelectric power to the region. The Chambal River valley has areas of severe gullying and erosion aggravated by deforestation and overgrazing of the land; its ravines are said to be used as hideouts by bandits. The soils are black and alluvial. The Banganga, Kunwari, Sind, Parbati, and Kali Sindh are the other major rivers. Savannas on the plateau, moist deciduous forests in the south, and drier deciduous forests in the north (with some teak) are common.
The economy is dominated by agriculture; cereal grains, pulses (legumes), oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane, and tobacco are produced. Industries include sawmilling, oilseed crushing, the production of machine tools and implements, textile weaving, and the production of pottery, bricks, and cement. Deposits of iron ore, copper, lead, beryl, steatite, and limestone are worked. The transport system consists of roads and narrow-gauge railways linking Gwalior (the main industrial centre) with Kota, Morena, Bhind, Shivpuri, and Bundi. Gwalior and Kota have airstrips.