Magar, indigenous ethnic group of Nepal, living mainly on the western and southern flanks of the country’s north-central Dhaulagiri mountain massif. They also live in small but significant numbers in northern India, especially in the state of Sikkim. The Magar speak a language of the Tibeto-Burman family. The northernmost Magar are essentially Buddhists, while those farther south have come under strong Hindu influence. Most of them draw their subsistence from agriculture. Others are pastoralists, craftsmen, or day labourers. Along with the Gurung, Rai, and other Nepalese ethnic groups, they have won fame as the Gurkha soldiers of the British and Indian armies, and many have continued to pursue military careers. In Nepal the Magar numbered about 1.6 million in the early 21st century, constituting one of the country’s largest minority groups.