Malay Peninsula
Malay Peninsula, in Southeast Asia, a long, narrow appendix of the mainland extending south for a distance of about 700 miles (1,127 km) through the Isthmus of Kra to Cape Piai, the southernmost point of the Asian continent; its maximum width is 200 miles (322 km), and it covers roughly 70,000 square miles (181,300 square km). The peninsula is bounded to the northwest by the Andaman Sea of the Indian Ocean, to the southwest by the Strait of Malacca, to the south by the Singapore Strait, to the southeast by the South China Sea, and to the northeast by the Gulf of Thailand. Its central mountain range, rising to 7,175 feet (2,187 metres) at Mount Tahan, divides the peninsula. The western coast is exposed to the southwest monsoons and the eastern coast to the northeast monsoons. Most of the western rivers have comparatively short courses, and navigation is limited by extensive silting near the sea. The eastern rivers are longer, with flatter gradients in their upper reaches. Politically, the peninsula comprises the far southeastern portion of Myanmar (Burma), the southwestern section of Thailand, Peninsular (or West) Malaysia, and Singapore. Known in ancient times as the Chersonesus Aurea (“Golden Chersonese,” or “Golden Peninsula,” from Greek chersos, “dry,” and nēsos, “island”), it has formed a physical and cultural link between the mainland and the Malay Archipelago.