Charles Maurras
Charles Maurras (born April 20, 1868, Martigues, France—died November 16, 1952, Tours) was a French writer and political theorist, a major intellectual influence in early 20th-century Europe whose “integral nationalism” anticipated some of the ideas of fascism.
Maurras was born of a Royalist and Roman Catholic family. In 1880, while he was engaged in studies in the Collège de Sacré-Coeur at Aix-en-Provence, he contracted an illness that left him permanently deaf, and he took refuge in books. Having lost the religious faith of his parents, he built his own conception of the world, aided by the great poets from Homer to Frédéric Mistral, as well as the Greek and Roman philosophers.
In 1891, soon after his arrival in Paris, Maurras founded, with Jean Moréas, a group of young poets opposed to the Symbolists and later known as the école romane. The group favoured classical restraint and clarity over what they considered to be the vague, emotional character of Symbolist work. After the “Dreyfus affair,” which polarized French opinion of the right and left, Maurras became an ardent monarchist. In June 1899 he was one of the founders of L’Action française, a review devoted to integral nationalism, which emphasized the supremacy of the state and the national interests of France; promoted the notion of a national community based on “blood and soil”; and opposed the French Revolutionary ideals of liberté, égalité, and fraternité (“liberty,” “equality,” and “fraternity”). In 1908, with the help of Léon Daudet, the review became a daily newspaper, the organ of the Royalist Party. Over a period of 40 years, its causes were often reinforced by public demonstrations and riots, spectacular lawsuits and trials.
Maurras also acquired a reputation as the author of Le Chemin de paradis (1895), philosophical short stories; Anthinea (1900), travel essays chiefly on Greece; and Les Amants de Venise (1900), dealing with the love affair of George Sand and Alfred de Musset. Enquête sur la monarchie (1900; “Enquiry Concerning Monarchy”) and L’Avenir de l’intelligence (1905; “The Future of Intelligence”) give a comprehensive view of his political ideas. After World War I, he was still admired in literary quarters as the poet of La Musique intérieure (1925), the critic of Barbarie et poésie (1925), and the memorialist of Au signe de Flore (1931). But he lost some of his political influence when on December 29, 1926, the Roman Catholic Church placed some of his books and L’Action française on the Index, thus depriving him of many sympathizers among the French clergy. The reason given for the ban was the movement’s subordination of religion to politics.
Maurras was received into the Académie Française in 1938. During the German occupation in World War II, he became a strong supporter of the Pétain government. He was arrested in September 1944 and the following January was sentenced to life imprisonment and excluded from the Académie. In 1952 he was released on grounds of health from the prison at Clairvaux and entered the St. Symphorien clinic in Tours. Reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church, he produced the poems of La Balance intérieure (1952) and a book on Pope Pius X, Le Bienheureux Pie X, sauveur de la France (1953).