mediastinal emphysema
mediastinal emphysema, pocket of air surrounding the heart and central blood vessels contained within the mediastinum (the central cavity in the chest situated between the lungs) that usually forms as a result of lung rupture. When the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs rupture because of traumatic injury or lung disease, the released air seeks an area of escape. One pathway that the air can follow is through the lung tissue into the mediastinum, where accumulating air can cause sufficient pressure to impair normal heart expansion and blood circulation.
Mediastinal emphysema is one of the maladies that can afflict underwater divers who breathe compressed air. As a diver descends, the external pressure upon his body increases. The air he breathes is more dense and concentrated than the air breathed on the surface. While the diver remains deeply submerged, there is no difficulty; when he begins to ascend again, however, the external pressure decreases, and the lungs begin to expand because the air inside has less pressure to contain it. If the diver breathes normally or exhales as he ascends at a moderate rate, the extra gas pressure is relieved by exhaling. If the diver holds his breath, rises too rapidly, or has respiratory obstructions such as cysts, mucus plugs, or scar tissue, which do not permit sufficient release of air, the lungs become overinflated and rupture. Air bubbles can enter the veins and capillaries of the circulatory system directly, causing an air embolism, or they can travel through the lung tissue to other areas of the body. In mediastinal emphysema the air bubbles usually pass along the outside of blood vessels and the respiratory tubes (bronchi) until they reach the mediastinal cavity. This area contains the heart, major blood vessels, main bronchi, and the trachea (air tube from nose and mouth). Air trapped in the mediastinum expands as the diver continues to rise. The pressure may cause intense pain beneath the rib cage and in the shoulders; the expanding air may compress the respiratory passageways, making breathing difficult, and collapse blood vessels vital to circulation. The symptoms of mediastinal emphysema may range from pain under the breastbone, shock, and shallow breathing to unconsciousness, respiratory failure, and cyanosis (blue colouring of the skin). In cases in which the symptoms are not severe, the air will be absorbed by the body, or it may be removed by inserting a long hypodermic needle into the mediastinum to draw off the air. If there is respiratory or circulatory distress, the victim must be recompressed in a hyperbaric chamber so that the body can resume its essential functions before the air is removed. See also decompression sickness.