Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky
Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky (born Aug. 14 [Aug. 2, Old Style], 1865, St. Petersburg, Russia—died Dec. 9, 1941, Paris) was a Russian poet, novelist, critic, and thinker who played an important role in the revival of religious-philosophical interests among the Russian intelligentsia.
After graduation from the University of St. Petersburg in history and philology, Merezhkovsky published his first volume of poetry in 1888. His essay O prichinakh upadka i o novykh techeniyakh sovremennoy russkoy literatury (1893; “On the Causes of the Decline and on the New Trends in Contemporary Russian Literature”), sometimes erroneously described as the manifesto of Russian Symbolism, was nevertheless a significant landmark of Russian modernism. At the beginning of the 20th century he and his wife, Zinaida Gippius, organized religious-philosophical colloquia and edited the magazine Novy put (1903–04; “The New Path”).
With his trilogy Khristos i Antikhrist (1896–1905; “Christ and Antichrist”), Merezhkovsky revived the historical novel in Russia. Its three parts, set in widely separated epochs and geographical areas, reveal historical erudition and serve as vehicles for the author’s historical and theological ideas. Another group of fictional works from Russian history—the play Pavel I (1908) and the novels Aleksandr I (1911–12) and 14 Dekabrya (1918; December the Fourteenth)—also form a trilogy. Merezhkovsky’s favourite method is that of antithesis. He applied it not only in his novels but also in his critical study Tolstoy i Dostoyevsky (1901–02), a work of seminal importance and enduring value. His Gogol i chort (1906; “Gogol and the Devil”) is another noteworthy critical work.
The Russian Revolution of 1905 had a radicalizing effect on Merezhkovsky. Together with Gippius and Dmitry Filosofov he published the anthology Le Tsar et la révolution (1907; “The Tsar and the Revolution”) while living in France. After Merezhkovsky returned to Russia in 1908, he became one of the most popular Russian writers. He published extensively in newspapers and became known as the advocate of a “new religious consciousness.”
Merezhkovsky enthusiastically welcomed the first phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917 but saw the Bolsheviks’ rise to power after its second phase as a catastrophe for Russia. He emigrated in 1920. After a short stay in Poland, he moved to Paris, where he lived until his death. His later works include the novels Rozhdenie bogov (1925; The Birth of the Gods) and Messiya (1928; “Messiah”) as well as biographical studies of Napoleon, Dante, Jesus Christ, and Roman Catholic saints. Merezhkovsky was of the opinion that Russia should be freed from Bolshevism at any cost, which is why he welcomed Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 during World War II. During his lifetime Merezhkovsky’s authority among Russian émigrés was great. His works began to be published in Russia again only in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as the Soviet Union began to collapse.