Ahmed Messali Hadj
Ahmed Messali Hadj (born 1898, Tlemcen, Alg.—died June 3, 1974, Paris, France) was a revolutionary Algerian nationalist leader.
Messali emerged in 1927 as the head of an Algerian workers’ association in Paris and spent most of the rest of his life forming pro-independence organizations, agitating both in France and Algeria, suffering imprisonment, and taking part in underground activities. Messali’s first group, the Étoile Nord-Africaine (North African Star), was dissolved by the French in 1929 after he called for revolt against their colonial rule. In the mid-1930s he founded the Parti Populaire Algérien (PPA; Algerian Popular Party), which was suppressed only to reemerge in 1946 as the Mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertés Démocratiques (MTLD; Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties). His influence, however, declined dramatically in the postwar period. In 1954 he formed the Mouvement National Algérian (Algerian National Movement), but this organization was unable to compete with the Front de Liberation Nationale (National Liberation Front), a rival party, which came to lead the Algerian struggle for independence. He became politically isolated and spent his final years in Paris.