methylation, the transfer of a methyl group (―CH3) to an organic compound. Methyl groups may be transferred through addition reactions or substitution reactions; in either case, the methyl group takes the place of a hydrogen atom on the compound. Methylation can be divided into two basic types: chemical and biological.
Chemical methylation is studied in the area of organic chemistry, where the term alkylation is used to define the addition of a ―CH3 group. Alkylation is performed using electrophilic (“electron-loving”) compounds such as dimethyl sulfate and iodomethane, which react in a nucleophilic substitution. For example, ethers may be produced by methylation of alkoxides, and ketones may be produced by methylation of ketone enolates. In another type of chemical methylation, known as Irvine–Purdie methylation, hydroxyl groups on polysaccharides undergo methylation to yield monosaccharides.
Biological methylation occurs in various ways. In epigenetic inheritance, methylation can occur as DNA methylation or protein methylation. In DNA methylation, there is an addition of a methyl group to a cytosine residue, causing cytosine to become 5-methylcytosine. DNA methylation occurs at CpG sites—that is, sites where a cytosine is immediately in front of a guanine. This type of methylation controls gene expression or activity. In protein methylation, a lysine amino acid or an arginine residue is methylated in the reaction. Arginine may be methylated one or two times, and lysine may be methylated anywhere from one to three times. Histones can also be methylated by an enzyme called histone methyltransferase, which transfers methyl groups from s-adenosyl methionine to the histone. Protein methylation is also used to control gene expression by activating or deactivating a gene.
Eukaryotic embryos also undergo methylation. Eukaryotic DNA is unmethylated from fertilization to the eight-cell stage. It then undergoes de novo methylation from the eight-cell stage to morula, during which epigenetic information is modified and added to the genome. Methylation is complete by blastula stage. If embryonic methylation fails to occur, the embryo dies. Methylation continues to occur in postnatal development and plays an important role in the interaction of gene expression and environmental factors.
Methylation also plays an important role in tumour formation. Tumours begin with abnormal localized hypermethylation, genome-wide hypomethylation, and increased expression of DNA methyltransferase. Research shows that genome-wide hypomethylation leads to increased mutation rates and instability of chromosomes.
Bacteria use methylation as a tool for self-defense. Bacterial cells protect their DNA through the methylation of adenine or cytosine bases. Foreign DNA that enters the bacteria remains unmethylated and therefore is prone to destruction by the bacteria’s restriction enzymes.