Acoemeti, monks at a series of 5th- to 6th-century Byzantine monasteries who were noted for their choral recitation of the divine office in constant and never interrupted relays. Their first monastery, at Constantinople, was founded in about 400 by St. Alexander Akimetes, who, after long study of the Bible, put into practice his conviction that God should be perpetually praised; he arranged for relays of monks to relieve one another without pause in the choir offices. They also practiced absolute poverty and were vigorous missionaries. The idea of ceaseless singing, new to Eastern monasticism, attracted so many monks from other convents that hostility toward Alexander developed. Driven from Constantinople, he founded another monastery in Bithynia. After his death, in about 430, his successor, Abbot John, transferred the foundation to Irenaion (modern Tchiboukli) on the Asian shore of the Bosporus, where the local people gave the monks the name of Acoemeti (“Sleepless Ones”). In their enthusiastic attacks on the Monophysites, the Acoemeti lapsed into the Nestorian heresy, and little is heard of them after the 6th century, when they were excommunicated by Pope John II. Later (the date is unknown), they moved their monastery to Constantinople, and they are known to have been in existence as late as the 12th century.