Muscicapidae, family of songbirds in the order Passeriformes. Considered in the narrow sense, the family is thought to include the Old World flycatchers (subfamily Muscicapinae) and the wattle-eyes (subfamily Platysteirinae). Considered broadly, the family is thought also to include Old World warblers (subfamily Sylviinae), thrushes (subfamily Turdinae), and babblers (subfamily Timaliinae)—though these groups are frequently ranked as separate families. Members of the group share a number of anatomical features, including the presence of a well-developed 10th primary feather in the wing and adaptations for insect eating. However, muscicapid taxonomy is controversial, chiefly because no character is taxonomically useful throughout the wide family. Even when considered in the narrow sense, the family presents many problems, for authorities disagree on which of the flycatching groups should be included.