Nabis (died 192 bc) was the last ruler (207–192) of an independent Sparta. Nabis carried on the revolutionary tradition of Kings Agis IV and Cleomenes III. Since ancient accounts of him are mainly abusive, the details of his laws remain obscure, but it is certain that he confiscated a great deal of property and enfranchised many helots (Spartan serfs). He undoubtedly was not the monster depicted by the Greek historian Polybius.
Overshadowed by the struggle between Rome and Philip V of Macedonia, Nabis adroitly maintained his power. After the Peace of Phoenice (205) between Rome and Macedonia, he went to war with the Achaean League. The league’s general, Philopoemen, rescued Messene from him and later defeated him at Scotitas in Laconia. In 197 Nabis acquired Argos from Philip V of Macedonia, who was then at war with Rome, and kept it by coming to terms with the Roman commander Titus Quinctius Flamininus. But Flamininus, having defeated Philip, proclaimed the Greek states autonomous, accused Nabis of tyranny, took Gythium in Laconia, and forced Nabis to surrender Argos. He tried to recover Gythium when the Romans left in 194 but was badly defeated by Philopoemen north of Sparta. Eventually the Aetolians, as part of their scheme to precipitate war between Rome and Antiochus III of Syria, murdered Nabis and temporarily occupied Sparta.