Nakbe, archaeological site in the dense tropical forest of northern Guatemala, thought to be one of the earliest ceremonial centres of Mayan culture.
Nakbe was first identified by aerial photographs taken in 1930 and first studied (and named) by archaeologist Ian Graham in 1962. Systematic investigations undertaken in the 1980s and ’90s revealed information that may cause significant revision of the theories about the development of Mayan culture. Thought to have been typical of the architecture of the period known as the Late Formative, or Late Pre-classic (300 bc–ad 100), the huge stone pyramids, temples, and other relatively tall buildings characteristic of the construction at Nakbe have been radiocarbon-dated to 600–400 bc (corresponding to the Middle Formative), a period previously believed to have been characterized by simple villages with dwellings built on low stone platforms. Although remains have been unearthed from almost every period of Mayan culture at Nakbe, it was never a major centre after the beginning of the Late Formative period.